
Calliope Mini
Side Project
Calliope Mini as a learning epiano

Johannes Tomasoni


December 6, 2019

View On GitHub


Calliope Mini as a learning epiano. The piano knows six tones and contains three learning modes. The project was a first time afternoon coding session with my daughter :).

How it works

First choose a learning mode (toggle with A or B):

  • “P”: Play the tones as recorded
  • “M”: Play 20 of the recorded tones in a Monte Carlo-style simulation. The tones as randomly played by recorded frequency. For example, if C is played 3 times and D is played 6 times during recording session. The probability of C being played is 1/3.
  • “B”: Play 20 of the recorder tones in a Baysiean-style simulation. The tones are randomly played, but depend on the frequency of recordings after the previous tone. For example, if the recording is C-D-E-F-G-G-E then the probability of G beeing played after F is 100%, but after G there is a probability of G or E beeing played of 50 % each.

Press A+B to select a learning mode.

Then record some tones.


  • A: Tone C
  • P0: Tone D
  • P1: Tone E
  • P2: Tone F
  • P3: Tone G
  • B: Tone A

Press A+B to stop recording and start playing the record depending on the chosen learning mode.