Original article published at datamuni.com.

SQL vs. and Pandas

I love SQL. It’s been around for decades to arrange and analyse data. Data is kept in tables which are stored in a relational structure. Consistancy and data integraty is kept in mind when designing a relational data model. However, when it comes to machine learning other data structures such as matrices and tensors become important to feat the underlying algorithms and make data processing more efficient. That’s where Pandas steps in. From a SQL developer perspective it is the library to close the gap between your data storage and the ml frameworks.

This blog post shows how to translate some common and some advanced techniques from SQL to Pandas step-by-step. I didn’t just want to write a plain cheat sheet (actually Pandas has a good one to get started: Comparison SQL (Ref. 1)). Rather I want to unwind some concepts that might be helpful for a SQL developer who now and then deals with Pandas.

The coding examples are built upon a Lego Dataset (Ref. 2), that contains a couple of tables with data about various lego sets.

To follow along I’ve provided a notebook (Res. 1) on kaggle, where you can play with the blog examples either using SQLite or Bigquery. You can also checkout a docker container (Res. 2) to play on your home machine.

Missing bricks

First listen to this imaginary dialogue that guides us throug the coding:

:hatched_chick: I miss all red bricks of the Lego Pizzeria. I definetly need a new one.

:penguin: Don’t worry. We can try to solve this with data. That will be fun. :-)

:hatched_chick: (!@#%&) You’re kidding, right?

Now that we have a mission we are ready to code and figuere out how to deal with missing bricks. First we inspect the tables. They are organized as shown in the relational diagram (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1: Data model (source: Lego dataset (Ref. 2))

There are colors, parts, sets and inventories. We should start by searching for the Pizzeria in the sets table using the set number (41311).

Fig. 2: Lego Box with set number

A simple Filter (The behaviour of brackets.)

A simple like-filter on the sets table will return the set info.

  FROM sets s
 WHERE s.set_num like '41311%'

There are several ways to apply a filter in Pandas. The most SQL-like code utilizes the query-function which basicaly substitutes the where clause.

df_sets.query("set_num.str.contains('41311')", engine='python')
  set_num name year theme_id num_parts
3582 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 2017 494 287

Since the query function expects a String as input parameter we loose syntax highlighting and syntax checking for our filter expression.

Therefore a more commonly used expression consists of the bracket notation (The behaviour of the bracket notation of a class in python is implementated in the class function __getitem__)

See how we can apply an equals filter using brackets.

df_sets.query("set_num == '41311-1'")

# or

df_sets[df_sets.set_num == '41311-1']

# or

df_sets[df_sets['set_num'] == '41311-1']
  set_num name year theme_id num_parts
3582 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 2017 494 287

There is a lot going on in this expression.

Let’s take it apart.

df_sets['set_num'] returns a single column (a Pandas.Series object). A Pandas DataFrame is basically a collection of Series. Additionaly there is a row index (often just called index) and a column index (columnnames). Think of a column store database.

Fig. 3: Elements of a DataFrame

Applying a boolean condition (== '41311-1') to a Series of the DataFrame (df_sets['set_num']) will result in a boolean collection of the size of the column.

bool_coll = df_sets['set_num'] == '41311-1'

# only look at the position 3580 - 3590 of the collection
    3580    False
    3581    False
    3582     True
    3583    False
    3584    False
    3585    False
    3586    False
    3587    False
    3588    False
    3589    False
    Name: set_num, dtype: bool

The boolean collection now gets past to the DataFrame and filters the rows:

# or 
df_sets[df_sets['set_num'] == '41311-1']

Depending on what type of object we pass to the square brackets the outcome result in very different behaviors.

We have already seen in the example above that if we pass a boolean collection with the size of number of rows, the collection is been handled as a row filter.

But if we pass a column name or a list of column names to the brackets instead, the given columns are selected like in the SELECT clause of an SQL statement.

SELECT name,
  FROM lego.sets;


df_sets[['name', 'year']]

Row filter and column selection can be combined like this:

SELECT s.name,
  FROM lego.sets s
 WHERE s.set_num = '41311-1';


df_temp = df_sets[df_sets['set_num'] == '41311-1']

# or simply:

df_sets[df_sets['set_num'] == '41311-1'][['name','year']]
  name year
3582 Heartlake Pizzeria 2017

Indexing (What actually is an index?)

Another way to access a row in Pandas is by using the row index. With the loc function (and brackets) we select the Pizzeria and another arbitrary set. We use the row numbers to filter the rows.

df_sets.loc[[236, 3582]]
  set_num name year theme_id num_parts
236 10255-1 Assembly Square 2017 155 4009
3582 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 2017 494 287

If we inspect the DataFrame closely we realize that it doesn’t realy look like a simple table but rather like a cross table.

The first column on the left is a row index and the table header is the column index. In the center the values of the columns are displayed (see Fig. 3).

If we think of the values as a matrix the rows are dimension 0 and columns are dimension 1. The dimension is often used in DataFrame functions as axis parameter. E.g. dropping columns can be done using dimensional information:

-- EXCEPT in SELECT clause only works with BIGQUERY
SELECT s.* EXCEPT s.year
  FROM lego.sets s;


df_sets.drop(['year'], axis = 1).head(5)
  set_num name theme_id num_parts
0 00-1 Weetabix Castle 414 471
1 0011-2 Town Mini-Figures 84 12
2 0011-3 Castle 2 for 1 Bonus Offer 199 2
3 0012-1 Space Mini-Figures 143 12
4 0013-1 Space Mini-Figures 143 12

The indexes can be accessed with the index and columns variable. axes contains both.

df_sets.index # row index
df_sets.columns # column index

df_sets.axes # both
    [RangeIndex(start=0, stop=11673, step=1),
     Index(['set_num', 'name', 'year', 'theme_id', 'num_parts'], dtype='object')]

The row index doesn’t necessarely be the row number. We can also convert a column into a row index.

  name year theme_id num_parts
00-1 Weetabix Castle 1970 414 471
0011-2 Town Mini-Figures 1978 84 12
0011-3 Castle 2 for 1 Bonus Offer 1987 199 2
0012-1 Space Mini-Figures 1979 143 12
0013-1 Space Mini-Figures 1979 143 12

It is also possible to define hierarchicle indicies for multi dimensional representation.

df_sets.set_index(['year', 'set_num']).sort_index(axis=0).head() # axis = 0 => row index
    name theme_id num_parts
year set_num      
150 700.1.1-1 Individual 2 x 4 Bricks 371 10
  700.1.2-1 Individual 2 x 2 Bricks 371 9
  700.A-1 Automatic Binding Bricks Small Brick Set (Lego… 366 24
  700.B.1-1 Individual 1 x 4 x 2 Window (without glass) 371 7
  700.B.2-1 Individual 1 x 2 x 3 Window (without glass) 371 7

Sometimes it is usefull to reset the index, hence reset the row numbers.

df_sets.loc[[236, 3582]].reset_index(drop = True) # set drop = False to keep the old index as new column
  set_num name year theme_id num_parts
0 10255-1 Assembly Square 2017 155 4009
1 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 2017 494 287

Now we get a sence what is meant by an index in Pandas in contrast to SQL.

Indices in SQL are hidden data structures (in form of e.g. b-trees or hash-tables). They are built to access data more quickly, to avoid full table scans when appropriate or to mantain consistancies when used with constraints.

An index in Pandas can rather be seen as a dimensional access to the data values. They can be distingueshed between row and column indices.

Joins (Why merge doesn’t mean upsert.)

:hatched_chick: What are we gonna do now about my missing parts?

:penguin: We don’t have all the information we need, yet. We need to join the other tables.

Though there is a function called join to join DataFrames I always use the merge function. This can be a bit confusing, when you are used to Oracle where merge means upsert/updelete rather then combining two tables.

When combining two DataFrames with the merge function in Pandas we have to define the relationship more explicitly. If you are used to SQL thats what you want.

In contrast the join function implicitly combines the DataFrames by their index or column names. It also enables multiply DataFrame joins in one statement as long as the join columns are matchable by name.

  FROM sets s
       inventories i
    ON s.set_num = i.set_num -- USING (set_num)
set_num name year theme_id num_parts id version set_num_1
00-1 Weetabix Castle 1970 414 471 5574 1 00-1
0011-2 Town Mini-Figures 1978 84 12 5087 1 0011-2
0011-3 Castle 2 for 1 Bonus Offer 1987 199 2 2216 1 0011-3
0012-1 Space Mini-Figures 1979 143 12 1414 1 0012-1
0013-1 Space Mini-Figures 1979 143 12 4609 1 0013-1

These Pandas statements all do the same:

df_sets.merge(df_inventories, how = 'inner', on = 'set_num').head(5)

#or if columns are matching

df_sets.merge(df_inventories, on = 'set_num').head(5)

#or explicitly defined columns

df_sets.merge(df_inventories, how = 'inner', left_on = 'set_num', right_on = 'set_num').head(5)
  set_num name year theme_id num_parts id version
0 00-1 Weetabix Castle 1970 414 471 5574 1
1 0011-2 Town Mini-Figures 1978 84 12 5087 1
2 0011-3 Castle 2 for 1 Bonus Offer 1987 199 2 2216 1
3 0012-1 Space Mini-Figures 1979 143 12 1414 1
4 0013-1 Space Mini-Figures 1979 143 12 4609 1

To see witch parts are needed for the Pizzeria we combine some tables. We look for the inventory of the set and gather all parts. Then we get color and part category information.

We end up with an inventory list:

SELECT s.set_num, 
       s.name set_name, 
       p.name part_name, 
       c.name color,
       pc.name part_cat
  FROM sets s,
       inventories i,
       inventory_parts ip,
       parts p,
       colors c,
       part_categories pc
 WHERE s.set_num = i.set_num
   AND i.id = ip.inventory_id
   AND ip.part_num = p.part_num
   AND ip.color_id = c.id
   AND p.part_cat_id = pc.id 
   AND s.set_num in ('41311-1')
   AND i.version = 1
   AND ip.is_spare = 'f'
 ORDER BY p.name, s.set_num, c.name
set_num set_name part_num part_name quantity color part_cat
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 25269pr03 1/4 CIRCLE TILE 1X1 with Pizza Print 4 Tan Tiles Printed
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 32807 BRICK 1X1X1 1/3, W/ ARCH 4 Red Other
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 6190 Bar 1 x 3 (Radio Handle, Phone Handset) 1 Red Bars, Ladders and Fences
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 30374 Bar 4L (Lightsaber Blade / Wand) 1 Light Bluish Gray Bars, Ladders and Fences
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 99207 Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2 Inverted 1 Black Plates Special
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 2453b Brick 1 x 1 x 5 with Solid Stud 4 Tan Bricks
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 3004 Brick 1 x 2 4 Light Bluish Gray Bricks
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 3004 Brick 1 x 2 3 Tan Bricks
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 3004 Brick 1 x 2 1 White Bricks
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 3245b Brick 1 x 2 x 2 with Inside Axle Holder 2 White Bricks

Lets create a general inventory_list as view and make the statement more readable and comparable with ANSI-syntax (separating filters/predicates from join conditions).

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS inventory_list;
CREATE VIEW inventory_list AS
SELECT s.set_num, 
       s.name set_name, 
       p.name part_name, 
       c.name color,
       pc.name part_cat
  FROM sets s
       inventories i
 USING (set_num)
       inventory_parts ip
    ON (i.id = ip.inventory_id)
       parts p
 USING (part_num)
       colors c
    ON (ip.color_id = c.id)
       part_categories pc
    ON (p.part_cat_id = pc.id)
 WHERE i.version = 1
   AND ip.is_spare = 'f';

Now we translate the view to Pandas. We see how the structure relates to sql. The parameter how defines the type of join (here: inner), on represents the USING clause whereas left_on and right_on stand for the SQL ON condition.

In SQL usually an optimizer defines based in rules or statistics the execution plan (the order in which the tables are accessed, combined and filtered). I’m not sure if Pandas follows a similar approache. To be safe, I assume the order and early column dropping might matter for performance and memory management.

df_inventory_list = df_sets[['set_num', 'name', 'theme_id', 'num_parts']] \
                    df_inventories[df_inventories['version'] == 1][['id', 'set_num']],
                        how = 'inner',
                        on = 'set_num'
                    ) \
                    df_inventory_parts[df_inventory_parts['is_spare'] == 'f'][['inventory_id', 'part_num', 'color_id', 'quantity']],
                        how = 'inner',
                        left_on = 'id',
                        right_on = 'inventory_id'
                    ) \
                    df_parts[['part_num', 'name', 'part_cat_id']],
                        how = 'inner',
                        on = 'part_num'
                    ) \
                    df_colors[['id', 'name']],
                        how = 'inner',
                        left_on = 'color_id',
                        right_on = 'id'
                    ) \
                    df_part_categories[['id', 'name']],
                        how = 'inner',
                        left_on = 'part_cat_id',
                        right_on = 'id'

# remove some columns and use index as row number (reset_index)
df_inventory_list = df_inventory_list.drop(['id_x', 'inventory_id', 'color_id', 'part_cat_id', 'id_y', 'id'], axis = 1).reset_index(drop = True)

# rename columns
df_inventory_list.columns = ['set_num', 'set_name', 'theme_id', 'num_parts', 'part_num', 'quantity', 'part_name', 'color', 'part_cat']

Lots of code here. So we better check if our Pandas code matches the results of our SQL code.

Select the inventory list for our example, write it to a DataFrame (df_test_from_sql) and compare the results.

df_test_from_sql <<
SELECT il.* 
  FROM inventory_list il
 WHERE il.set_num in ('41311-1')
set_num set_name theme_id num_parts part_num quantity part_name color part_cat
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 25269pr03 4 1/4 CIRCLE TILE 1X1 with Pizza Print Tan Tiles Printed
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 32807 4 BRICK 1X1X1 1/3, W/ ARCH Red Other
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 6190 1 Bar 1 x 3 (Radio Handle, Phone Handset) Red Bars, Ladders and Fences
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 30374 1 Bar 4L (Lightsaber Blade / Wand) Light Bluish Gray Bars, Ladders and Fences
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 99207 1 Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2 Inverted Black Plates Special
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 2453b 4 Brick 1 x 1 x 5 with Solid Stud Tan Bricks
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 3004 4 Brick 1 x 2 Light Bluish Gray Bricks
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 3004 3 Brick 1 x 2 Tan Bricks
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 3004 1 Brick 1 x 2 White Bricks
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 3245b 2 Brick 1 x 2 x 2 with Inside Axle Holder White Bricks
# test
df_test_from_df = df_inventory_list[df_inventory_list['set_num'].isin(['41311-1'])].sort_values(by=['part_name', 'set_num', 'color']).head(10)

  set_num set_name theme_id num_parts part_num quantity part_name color part_cat
507161 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 25269pr03 4 1/4 CIRCLE TILE 1X1 with Pizza Print Tan Tiles Printed
543292 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 32807 4 BRICK 1X1X1 1/3, W/ ARCH Red Other
266022 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 6190 1 Bar 1 x 3 (Radio Handle, Phone Handset) Red Bars, Ladders and Fences
273113 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 30374 1 Bar 4L (Lightsaber Blade / Wand) Light Bluish Gray Bars, Ladders and Fences
306863 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 99207 1 Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2 Inverted Black Plates Special
47206 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 2453b 4 Brick 1 x 1 x 5 with Solid Stud Tan Bricks
50211 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 3004 4 Brick 1 x 2 Light Bluish Gray Bricks
45716 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 3004 3 Brick 1 x 2 Tan Bricks
16485 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 3004 1 Brick 1 x 2 White Bricks
22890 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 3245b 2 Brick 1 x 2 x 2 with Inside Axle Holder White Bricks
# assert equals
    df_test_from_sql = df_test_from_sql.DataFrame()
pd._testing.assert_frame_equal(df_test_from_sql, df_test_from_df.reset_index(drop = True))

The results are equal as expected.

Since we are only interested in the red bricks we create a list of those missing parts.

  FROM inventory_list il
 WHERE il.set_num = '41311-1'
   AND part_cat like '%Brick%'
   AND color = 'Red'
set_num set_name theme_id num_parts part_num quantity part_name color part_cat
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 3039 1 Slope 45° 2 x 2 Red Bricks Sloped
41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 3045 2 Slope 45° 2 x 2 Double Convex Red Bricks Sloped

We need to watchout for the brackets when combining filters in DataFrames.

df_missing_parts = df_inventory_list[(df_inventory_list['set_num'] == '41311-1') & 
                                     (df_inventory_list['part_cat'].str.contains("Brick")) &
                                     (df_inventory_list['color'] == 'Red')
                                    ].sort_values(by=['color', 'part_name', 'set_num']).reset_index(drop = True)

  set_num set_name theme_id num_parts part_num quantity part_name color part_cat
0 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 3039 1 Slope 45° 2 x 2 Red Bricks Sloped
1 41311-1 Heartlake Pizzeria 494 287 3045 2 Slope 45° 2 x 2 Double Convex Red Bricks Sloped

:penguin: There we go, we are missing one 2x2 brick and tw0 2x2 double convex.

:hatched_chick: Yup, that’s the roof of the fireplace. I knew that before.

Conditional Joins and Aggregation (Almost done!)

Next we search for sets that contain the missing parts. The quantity of the parts in the found sets must be greater or equal the quantity of the missing parts.

In SQL it is done with an conditional join il.quantity >= mp.quantity.

sets_with_missing_parts << 

-- A list of missing parts

WITH missing_parts AS (
  SELECT il.set_name,
    FROM inventory_list il
   WHERE il.set_num = '41311-1'
     AND il.part_cat like '%Brick%'
     AND il.color = 'Red'

-- Looking for set that contains as much of the missing parts as needed

SELECT mp.set_name as searching_for_set,
       -- total number of parts per set
       -- how many of the missing parts were found in the set 
       COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY il.set_num) AS matches_per_set
  FROM inventory_list il
       missing_parts mp
    ON (il.part_num = mp.part_num
        AND il.color = mp.color
        -- searching for a set that contains at least as much parts as there are missing
        AND il.quantity >= mp.quantity
 -- don't search in the Pizzeria set
 WHERE il.set_num <> '41311-1'
 -- prioritize sets with all the missing parts and as few parts as possible
       matches_per_set DESC, 

Conditional Join

There is no intuitive way to do a conditional join on DataFrames. The easiest I’ve seen so far is a two step solution. As substitution for the SQL WITH-clause we can reuse df_missing_parts.

# 1. merge on the equal conditions
df_sets_with_missing_parts = df_inventory_list.merge(df_missing_parts, how = 'inner', on = ['part_num', 'color'], suffixes = ('_found', '_missing'))
# 2. apply filter for the qreater equals condition
df_sets_with_missing_parts = df_sets_with_missing_parts[df_sets_with_missing_parts['quantity_found'] >= df_sets_with_missing_parts['quantity_missing']]

# select columns
cols = ['set_num', 'set_name', 'part_name', 'num_parts']
df_sets_with_missing_parts = df_sets_with_missing_parts[['set_name_missing'] + [c + '_found' for c in cols]]
df_sets_with_missing_parts.columns = ['searching_for_set'] + cols


In the next step the aggregation of the analytic function

COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY il.set_num) matches_per_set

needs to be calculated. Hence the number of not-NaN values will be counted per SET_NUM group and assigned to each row in a new column (matches_per_set).

But before translating the analytic function, let’s have a look at a regular aggregation, first. Say, we simply want to count the entries per set_num on group level (without assigning the results back to the original group entries) and also sum up all parts of a group. Then the SQL would look something like this:

SELECT s.set_num,
       COUNT(*) AS matches_per_set
       SUM(s.num_parts) AS total_num_parts
  FROM ...
 WHERE ...

All selected columns must either be aggregated by a function (COUNT, SUM) or defined as a group (GROUP BY). The result is a two column list with the group set_num and the aggregations matches_per_set and total_num_part.

Now see how the counting is done with Pandas.

df_sets_with_missing_parts.groupby(['set_num']).count()  .sort_values('set_num', ascending = False)

# for sum and count:
# df_sets_with_missing_parts.groupby(['set_num']).agg(['count', 'sum']) 
  searching_for_set set_name part_name num_parts
llca8-1 1 1 1 1
llca21-1 1 1 1 1
fruit1-1 1 1 1 1
MMMB026-1 1 1 1 1
MMMB003-1 1 1 1 1
10021-1 1 1 1 1
088-1 1 1 1 1
080-1 2 2 2 2
066-1 1 1 1 1
00-4 1 1 1 1

Wow, that’s different! The aggregation function is applied to every column independently and the group is set as row index. But it is also possible to define the aggregation function for each column explicitly like in SQL:

df_sets_with_missing_parts.groupby(['set_num'], as_index = False) \
    .agg(matches_per_set = pd.NamedAgg(column = "set_num", aggfunc = "count"), 
         total_num_parts = pd.NamedAgg(column = "num_parts", aggfunc = "sum"))
  set_num matches_per_set total_num_parts
0 00-4 1 126
1 066-1 1 407
2 080-1 2 1420
3 088-1 1 615
4 10021-1 1 974
463 MMMB003-1 1 15
464 MMMB026-1 1 43
465 fruit1-1 1 8
466 llca21-1 1 42
467 llca8-1 1 58

This looks more familiar. With the as_index argument the group becomes a column (rather than a row index).

So, now we return to our initial task translating the COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY) clause. One approach could be to join the results of the above aggregated DataFrame with the origanal DataFrame, like

df_sets_with_missing_parts.merge(my_agg_df, on = 'set_num')

A more common why is to use the transform() function:

# add aggregatiom
df_sets_with_missing_parts['matches_per_set'] = df_sets_with_missing_parts.groupby(['set_num'])['part_name'].transform('count')

  searching_for_set set_num set_name part_name num_parts matches_per_set
0 Heartlake Pizzeria 00-4 Weetabix Promotional Windmill Slope 45° 2 x 2 126 1
1 Heartlake Pizzeria 066-1 Basic Building Set Slope 45° 2 x 2 407 1
2 Heartlake Pizzeria 080-1 Basic Building Set with Train Slope 45° 2 x 2 710 2
3 Heartlake Pizzeria 088-1 Super Set Slope 45° 2 x 2 615 1
4 Heartlake Pizzeria 10021-1 U.S.S. Constellation Slope 45° 2 x 2 974 1

Let’s elaborate the magic that’s happening.


returns a GroupByDataFrame which contains the group names (from set_num) and all row/column indicies and values related to the groups. Here only one column ['part_name'] is selected. In the next step transform applies the given function (count) to each column individually but only with the values in the current group. Finaly the results are assigned to each row in the group as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4: Aggregation with transform

Now that we have gathered all the data we arange the results so that they can be compared to the SQL data:

# sort and pick top 16
df_sets_with_missing_parts = df_sets_with_missing_parts.sort_values(['matches_per_set', 'num_parts', 'set_num', 'part_name'], ascending = [False, True, True, True]).reset_index(drop = True).head(16)

  searching_for_set set_num set_name part_name num_parts matches_per_set
0 Heartlake Pizzeria 199-1 Scooter Slope 45° 2 x 2 41 2
1 Heartlake Pizzeria 199-1 Scooter Slope 45° 2 x 2 Double Convex 41 2
2 Heartlake Pizzeria 212-2 Scooter Slope 45° 2 x 2 41 2
3 Heartlake Pizzeria 212-2 Scooter Slope 45° 2 x 2 Double Convex 41 2
4 Heartlake Pizzeria 838-1 Red Roof Bricks Parts Pack, 45 Degree Slope 45° 2 x 2 58 2
5 Heartlake Pizzeria 838-1 Red Roof Bricks Parts Pack, 45 Degree Slope 45° 2 x 2 Double Convex 58 2
6 Heartlake Pizzeria 5151-1 Roof Bricks, Red, 45 Degrees Slope 45° 2 x 2 59 2
7 Heartlake Pizzeria 5151-1 Roof Bricks, Red, 45 Degrees Slope 45° 2 x 2 Double Convex 59 2
8 Heartlake Pizzeria 811-1 Red Roof Bricks, Steep Pitch Slope 45° 2 x 2 59 2
9 Heartlake Pizzeria 811-1 Red Roof Bricks, Steep Pitch Slope 45° 2 x 2 Double Convex 59 2
10 Heartlake Pizzeria 663-1 Hovercraft Slope 45° 2 x 2 60 2
11 Heartlake Pizzeria 663-1 Hovercraft Slope 45° 2 x 2 Double Convex 60 2
12 Heartlake Pizzeria 336-1 Fire Engine Slope 45° 2 x 2 76 2
13 Heartlake Pizzeria 336-1 Fire Engine Slope 45° 2 x 2 Double Convex 76 2
14 Heartlake Pizzeria 6896-1 Celestial Forager Slope 45° 2 x 2 92 2
15 Heartlake Pizzeria 6896-1 Celestial Forager Slope 45° 2 x 2 Double Convex 92 2
# assert equals
    sets_with_missing_parts = sets_with_missing_parts.DataFrame()
pd._testing.assert_frame_equal(sets_with_missing_parts, df_sets_with_missing_parts)

The results are matching!

:penguin: We got it. We can buy the small Fire Engine to fix the roof of the fireplace. Now need for a new Pizzeria. :-)

:hatched_chick: (#@§?!*#) Are you sure your data is usefull for anything?

Recursion (Lost in trees?)

We solved the red brick problem. But since we have the data already open, let’s have a closer look at the Fire Engine, set number 336-1.

SELECT s.name AS set_name,
       t.name AS theme_name,
  FROM sets s,
       themes t
 WHERE t.id = s.theme_id
   AND s.set_num = '336-1';
set_name year id theme_name parent_id
Fire Engine 1968 376 Fire 373.0

The fire engine is quiet old (from 1968) and it belongs to the theme Fire. The themes table also includes as column called parent_id. This suggests that themes is a hierarchical structure. We can check this with an recursive WITH-clause in SQL. (*BQ: recursive WITH is not implemented in BIGQUERY.

WITH RECURSIVE hier(name, parent_id, level) AS ( 
    -- init recursion
    SELECT t.name, 
           0 AS level 
      FROM themes t 
     WHERE id = 376
    -- recursive call
    SELECT t.name, 
           h.level +1 
      FROM themes t, 
           hier h 
     WHERE t.id = h.parent_id
SELECT COUNT(1) OVER() - level AS level, 
       name as theme, 
       GROUP_CONCAT(name,' --> ') over(order by level desc) path
  FROM hier 
 ORDER BY level;
level theme path
1 Classic Classic
2 Vehicle Classic –> Vehicle
3 Fire Classic –> Vehicle –> Fire

OK, that looks like a reasonable hierarchie. The path column includes the parents and grant parents of a theme. What if we want to reverse the order of the path. Unfortunately GROUP_CONCAT in SQLite doesn’t allow us to specify a sort order in the aggregation. It’s possible to add custom aggregation function in some databases. In SQLite we can compile application defined function or in Oracle we can define customized aggregation function even at runtime as types.

Quiet some steps need to be taken to make the database use costumized aggregation efficently, so we can use them like regulare aggregation and windowing function. In Oracle for instance we have to define:

  1. initial values:
     total := 0; 
     n := 0;
  2. calculation per iteration step:
     total := total + this_step_value; 
     n := n + 1;
  3. deletion per iteration for windowing:
     total := total - removed_step_value; 
     n := n - 1;
  4. merging for parallel execution:
     total := total_worker1 + total_worker2; 
     n := n_worker1 + n_worker2; 
  5. termination:
     my_avg := total / nullif(n-1, 0)

Now, how are we gonna do this in Pandas? We start by traversing the hierarchie.

fire_engine_info = df_themes[df_themes['id'] == 376].copy()
fire_engine_info['level'] = 0

parent_id = fire_engine_info.parent_id.values[0]

lvl = 0
while not np.isnan(parent_id) and lvl < 10:
    lvl+= 1
    new_info = df_themes[df_themes['id'] == parent_id].copy()
    new_info['level'] = lvl
    parent_id = new_info.parent_id.values[0]
    fire_engine_info = fire_engine_info.append(new_info)

  id name parent_id level grp
375 376 Fire 373.0 0 0
372 373 Vehicle 365.0 1 0
364 365 Classic NaN 2 0

On the one hand this is pretty need, since we can do what ever we want in a manually coded loop. On the other hand I doubt that it is very efficent when we have to deal with lots of data. But to be fair, Recursive WITH isn’t that fast either in SQL.

Finaly we consider how to do customized aggregation. We could do it in the loop above or we can rather use the library’s transform or apply functions.

We define a custom aggregation function cat_sorted and then use the apply function like this:

def cat_sorted(ser, df, val_col = None, sort_col = None):
    u=' --> '.join(df[df.id.isin(ser)].sort_values(sort_col)[val_col].values)
    return [u]
fire_engine_info.apply(lambda x: cat_sorted(x, fire_engine_info, 'name', 'level'))
  id name parent_id level grp
0 Fire –> Vehicle –> Classic   Vehicle –> Classic    

We can also apply rolling or windowing behaviour.

Note that a rolling representation or windowing on string values is not possible because Pandas only allows numeric values for those action.

fire_engine_info.rolling(10,min_periods=1)['level'].apply(lambda x: sum(10**x), raw = False)
    375      1.0
    372     11.0
    364    111.0
    Name: level, dtype: float64

Now, we not only understand the numbers on the lego package but also have a better understandig of Pandas.

Summary (Got it!)

SQL stays my favourite language to access structured data arranged over many tables. Pandas shines when data already is gathered together and easily accessable (e.g. as csv file). There are alternatives to Pandas to build ml pipelines, such as Dask or CUDF. But learning Pandas is a good foundation to learn more of them.


To play with the examples:

  • Res. 1 Kaggle notebook: https://www.kaggle.com/joatom/a-handful-of-bricks-from-sql-to-pandas
  • Res. 2 Docker container: https://github.com/joatom/blog-resources/tree/main/handful_bricks


  • Ref. 1 Pandas SQL comparison: https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/getting_started/comparison/comparison_with_sql.html
  • Ref. 2 The Lego dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/rtatman/lego-database