Recursive SQL

Looping in SQL
SQL Magic

Johannes Tomasoni


November 20, 2022

!sqlite3 fin.db .databases .quit
main: /home/git_repos/blog/snippets/2022-11-20-recursive-sql/fin.db r/w
import sqlite3
import sqlalchemy
# enable sql magic for Jupyter notebook

# load jupyter extention (requires pip install ipython-sql)
%load_ext sql
# disable autocommit
%config SqlMagic.autocommit=False
%sql sqlite:///rec.db
# Test connection
v1 = "Ready to go!"
%sql df_test << SELECT :v1 as "Test"
 * sqlite:///rec.db
Returning data to local variable df_test

Running a recursive query

This is an example from the blog post Pay off Mortgage or Invest. It calculates a simple amortization plan. The recursion stops as soon as the balance reaches 0.

with plan(year, interest, principal, balance) as
    SELECT 0 AS year,
           NULL AS interest,
           NULL AS principal,
           100000 AS balance
    SELECT p.year + 1 AS year,
           -p.balance * 0.02 AS interest,
           MIN(10000 - p.balance * 0.02, p.balance) AS principal,
           p.balance - (min(10000 - p.balance * 0.02, p.balance)) AS balance
      FROM plan p
     WHERE p.balance - (min(10000 - p.balance * 0.02, p.balance) + 0) >= 0 
       AND MIN(10000 - p.balance * 0.02, p.balance) > 0 
SELECT year,
       round(interest) AS interest, 
       round(principal) AS principal,  
       round(-balance) AS balance
  FROM plan
 * sqlite:///rec.db
year interest principal balance
0 None None -100000.0
1 -2000.0 8000.0 -92000.0
2 -1840.0 8160.0 -83840.0
3 -1677.0 8323.0 -75517.0
4 -1510.0 8490.0 -67027.0
5 -1341.0 8659.0 -58368.0
6 -1167.0 8833.0 -49535.0
7 -991.0 9009.0 -40526.0
8 -811.0 9189.0 -31336.0
9 -627.0 9373.0 -21963.0
10 -439.0 9561.0 -12402.0
11 -248.0 9752.0 -2650.0
12 -53.0 2650.0 0.0


Interactive notebook

  • Play with the numbers: notebook
  • Downloading the notebook: notebook